Our services

What We Do

Professional Web Design and Development Services

Entirely Custom - No Page Builders Or Excessive Bloated Plugins

Many web development companies out there sell builder based websites to their clients. This usually ends up with a ton of bloat from excessive use of plugins, leading to slower website load times, horrible Google PageSpeed Scores, and higher security concerns. However, at Singapore Website Designs, we do things slightly differently. Instead of using builder based sites, we custom code all of our sites, allowing us to build lightning-fast sites with absolutely ZERO bloat or wasted code, and score 95+ points on Google PageSpeed Insights.

Our sites are also way more secure than WordPress sites because we don't rely on third-party plugins, which often introduce vulnerabilities, excessive code, and slow performance. With WordPress, you have to constantly update plugins and themes, and even then, security flaws can slip through. We don’t have to worry about that since our custom-built sites are literally HTML and CSS, meaning there's literally nothing to hack. Plus, our websites are designed to be lightweight and efficient from the get-go. So you are getting the best of both worlds, a faster, more efficient website, and a super secure one thats built to last.

Development and 24/7 Support

We want to be with you every step of the way. That's why we've designed a plan that distributes pricing towards the development of your website, and continuous 24/7 support and updates. Come to us for any updates you require in your site, be it a seasonal promotion, or content updates and image or media changes. Learn more about our pricing here.


Faster load times


Higher site engagement


More secure


Higher ranking on Google

Faster load times lead to higher conversions

The online space is highly competitive, and every advantage counts when it comes to standing out and surpassing your competitors. While everyone else is relying on page builders with slow load times, you could have something completely different—something custom-coded that loads instantly. If your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, you risk losing up to 50% of your traffic, as visitors often leave before the site even appears. Our sites load so fast that users won't even have the chance to leave.

Custom coded websites are more secure

WordPress and other page builders come with numerous vulnerabilities and potential entry points that hackers can exploit. With WordPress, if you're not constantly updating your plugins and WordPress version, you're leaving your site more vulnerable with each passing day. Hackers target WordPress more than any other platform because it's easier to breach—especially if updates are neglected!

With our custom-coded sites, there are no databases or server-side requests that hackers can intercept to insert malicious code or redirect your site to spam. It’s simply static HTML and CSS, which means there’s nothing to hack. We could leave our sites untouched for 10 years, and they’d still be secure. They’re as safe and secure as you can get.

Improve your search ranking

Better load times can significantly boost your Google ranking in several ways. The most direct way is simply by being faster. If two sites are similar in content and domain authority, Google has confirmed that the one with better Page Speed Scores and Core Web Vitals will have the edge.

The other method is through increased traffic. Faster loading means quicker engagement, meaning more people are likely to reach your site, and more visitors can help improve your ranking. By focusing on Google's Core Web Vitals, we know whats happening behind the scenes in terms of visitor engagement, total clicks, how your site is performing etc. in search results. From there, we can tweak our strategies - whether thats improving your content, SEO, or user experience - to optimize your site for better engagement, more traffic and ultimately higher search rankings.

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